Scrapbook titled "History of Tarawera", ca.1930-1935
Dateca.1930-1935Reference NumberMs 186Collection SummaryScrapbook created by Olive Pennell Pedlar comprising images, newspaper articles and personal accounts,DescriptionWhile the scrapbook was compiled in the 1930s, the content within dates from the time of the Tarawera eruption through to the late 1930s. Olive Pennell Pedlar, was born in 1905 and passed away on 8 March 1964, in Rotorua. Please note, descriptions in this album reflects the views of the time.CreatorPedlar, Olive PennellLevelCollectionExtent1 albumLanguageEnglish
Kaitiakitanga StatementPlease use taonga Māori materials provided by Rotorua Library, Te Aka Mauri, appropriately. Respect and be mindful of the creator/s, and the mana and dignity of individuals, iwi group/s, and environmental subjects within the material.CopyrightNo known copyrightAccess ConditionsNo access conditions apply to this collection.