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Privacy Policy


Privacy Policy



The Privacy Act sets out 12 information privacy principles dealing with the collection, holding, use and disclosure of personal information, and the assigning of unique identifiers. The principles also give you a right to access information about yourself and to ask for it to be corrected.  


The 12 principles are:  


  1. Purpose of collection of personal information. 
  2. Source of personal information. 
  3. Collection of information from subject. 
  4. Manner of collection of personal information. 
  5. Storage and Security of personal information. 
  6. Access to personal information. 
  7. Correction of personal information. 
  8. Accuracy, etc., of personal information to be checked before use. 
  9. Agency not to keep personal information for longer than necessary. 
  10. Limits on use of personal information. 
  11. Limits on disclosure of personal information. 
  12. Unique identifiers.


For more information, please refer to the Privacy Commissioner's guide, to the Privacy Act 1993 and its amendments, or call the Privacy Commissioner's privacy hotline: (0800) 803 909. 

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Rotorua Library, Te Aka Mauri

1127 Haupapa Street

Rotorua 3010

(07) 348 4177

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